- Reduce Wasteful Spending
Reducing wasteful spending is being hotly discussed in healthcare currently, because it has great potential to reduce costs. MDBushCo provides a range of services in this regard, from subject matter expertise to sales and operational improvement approaches, for payers, providers, and employers.
We also offer featured Portfolio Partner products. One of these is from PartneraHealth. This innovative company recognized that one of the strategies being used to reduce wasteful spending is from providers who are taking steps to become more efficient.
At the same time, employers/unions are looking for ways to continue to sponsor attractive benefits (this ability is being threatened by the Affordable Care Act’s prohibitions on “Cadillac plans”).
PartneraHealth has solved both problems by building the Aligned Care Network (ACN), a virtual community that allows them to provide proprietary content directly to employer/union populations, along with incentives to utilize more efficient providers. In doing so, they help their provider customers explain the value proposition directly to the populations, and help their employer/union customers to accomplish their cost reduction and quality improvement goals.