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The leadership and consultants at MDBushCo represent decades of experience and innovation in the business of healthcare. We specialize in ACA and Medicare channel strategies, and a look at our backgrounds will demonstrate our instrumental roles in developing new payer sales approaches. We are also subject matter experts in many other areas resulting from ACA.
In addition, we have assembled a consulting team that is uniquely positioned to help payers address the myriad aspects of the ACA’s effect on payers. MDBushCo’s objective is leverage our expertise and relationships to quickly uncover needs… and respond with solutions that address the problems.
We find ourselves at a transformational moment in the history of the US healthcare system. Due to the Affordable Care Act, all of the customary ways in which stakeholders in the system conduct their activities – payers, providers, consumers, employers, and government, as well as vendors of products and services serving all of their needs – will change…and continue to change before a “new normal” is attained.
The decisions that stakeholders make will be critical – in areas ranging from matters of public policy to success on both the revenue and operational sides of businesses, and even to the health and well-being of individuals and families.
Through it all, one thing will be consistent: Government services will now encompass a much wider stage, and regulatory compliance will play a dramatically increasing role in every part of healthcare. In the long term, the successful payers will be those who can see beyond political squabbling, and offer new approaches that provide meaningful steps toward the real goals of health reform: Improved access, better quality, and lower cost.
Most of our payer friends are facing a barrage of new demands as a result of ACA, and our team can be of assistance in many of them. The bottom line is to identify actionable solutions, provide them if we are the right fit, or at very least identify where you can find them.
We’d like to see if we might be of service to you and your team. What business issues are of concern to you for which we might be able to help?
– Michael D. Bush